If sometimes later your eyelash extensions have betrayed you. Probably the culprit would not be the eyelash extensions, rather its glue. First of all, it is important to buy only the best eyelash extension glue. Second of all, buying the best one is not enough, you need to store it well too.
Here in this blog, we have got the useful tips to store eyelash extension adhesive properly for long lasting effects.
Tips to Store Eyelash Extension AdhesiveBefore we move further, make sure you do not use any extension glue for more than 6months, even if unopened. Discard them.
Tip: Check manufacturing date before buying eyelash extension adhesive. If it is about to expire or complete 6 months, do not buy it until you are sure you will use the entire bottle before expiration.
Burp the Bottle
Air is not good for the glue. However, it makes its way into the bottle even if you pack it in an air-tight packet. Thus, you need to be more cautious. You should burp the bottle(release air pressure from the
bottle) at least once a day to avoid glue dryness.
Or else, burp the bottle every single time before you use it. Make sure you do it right before shaking and a cap back on. Also, do not shake the bottle before putting a cap back on it.
Do Not Place Them in Contact of Natural Fibers
There is a chemical element, Cyanoacrylate which is present in the eyelash extension adhesive that reacts with the natural fibers such as cotton or paper. Also, you must take care of the fact that it reacts worst to your clothes. You may even witness burn holes if even a single drop of eyelash extension adhesive falls onto your cloth.
Shake It Well
The best way to make your eyelash extension adhesive long lasting is to shake it daily. Though there are many devices that help you shake the glue easily and properly. Yet you can do it manually as well, this won’t take much time and does not require a lot of effort.
First of all, shake the bottle for 2 minutes before use (side to side, vertically). Then, after one drop, reshake the bottle horizontally once again for 15-20seconds.
Store the Lash Glue Properly
The lash glue can stay for a longer time in a cool, dark place. The best way would be to buy an airtight glue container. Both new and existing bottles can be stored easily together. With a silica packet, the airtight container works better. It is better if you use an airtight glue container solely for lash glue for better results.
Get The Long-Lasting Eyelashes From Sky Glue
Best eyelash extension adhesive is critical for long-lasting lash extensions. Thus, you must choose only the trusted brand for it so that you do not experience falling your lash extensions in the party or at a public place. Buy Sky Glue eyelash extension adhesives now for long lasting and low maintenance lash glue.