Sunday 6 August 2023

How to Choose the Right Eyelash Extension Glue for You

Choosing the suitable eyelash extension glue is crucial for achieving beautiful, long-lasting lash extensions. With various available options, finding the perfect glue that suits your needs can be overwhelming. This blog will explore key factors to consider when selecting an eyelash extension glue, including the renowned brand Sky Glue.

Quality and Safety 

Quality and Safety should be your top priorities regarding eyelash extension glues. Look for a glue specially formulated for lash extensions and approved by relevant health and safety authorities. Sky Glue is a well-known brand that meets these requirements, providing professional-grade glues that are extensively tested for Safety.

Bonding Strength 

The bonding strength of the eyelash extension glue determines how long your extensions will last. It's essential to consider your client's natural lash strength and the extensions' desired longevity. Sky Glue offers different formulas with varying bonding strengths, such as Sky Glue S+ and Sky Glue D+, allowing you to choose the suitable adhesive for your specific needs.

Drying Time 

Efficiency is key in eyelash extensions, and the drying time of the glue plays a significant role. Opt for a glue that dries quickly but allows sufficient Time for proper placement. Sky Glue offers glues with different drying times, ranging from 1 to 6 seconds, ensuring you can work comfortably while achieving a secure bond.

Allergy Considerations 

Some clients may have sensitivities or allergies to certain ingredients found in eyelash extension glues. Selecting a glue that is hypoallergenic or formulated with low fume levels is essential. Sky Glue understands the importance of minimizing allergic reactions and provides glues suitable for sensitive eyes, reducing the risk of irritation.

Professional Recommendations 

Consulting with fellow lash artists and professionals in the industry can be invaluable when choosing the suitable eyelash extension glue. They can offer insights based on their experience and recommend trusted brands like Sky Glue, which has earned a reputation for producing high-quality and reliable products.

Retention and Durability 

One of the critical factors to consider when choosing an eyelash extension glue is its retention and Durability. You want glue that can hold lash extensions in place for an extended period without premature shedding or loss. Sky Glue is known for its excellent retention properties, ensuring that the lashes stay securely attached to the natural lashes for an extended period. This allows clients to enjoy their beautiful lash extensions for several weeks, minimizing the need for frequent touch-ups.

Consistency and Ease of Use 

The thickness of the eyelash extension glue can significantly impact the application process. Look for a glue that has a smooth and even texture, making it easy to work with. Sky Glue offers glues specifically formulated for precise application, allowing for easy manipulation and attachment of lash extensions. The consistent viscosity of the glue ensures a seamless application, resulting in natural-looking and flawless lash extensions.


Selecting the suitable eyelash extension glue is vital for achieving stunning and long-lasting lash extensions. You can make an informed decision by considering factors such as quality, bonding strength, drying Time, allergy considerations, and professional recommendations. Brands like Sky Glue have earned their reputation by providing exceptional glues catering to various needs.

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